Thursday, April 20, 2006

Chemo Finis, Finito, Terminado . . . . DONE!

Well friends, this picture is photographic evidence of our last session in chemo; hopefully forever. Although I have a few surgeries ahead of me, both Jeff and I feel that the worst has passed. Of course, my body doesn't know that I'm not going back in 2 weeks, so I'm not feeling so great right now, but my mind is VERY happy about all of this!

I can't say that I will miss the "Infusion Treatment Area", but I will say that those Oncology nurses are some of the best health care providers I have ever dealt with. They really know what they are doing and do everything in their power to make their patients comfortable. By the end, the nurses and I had our whole system down, from concocting just the right drug cocktails, to the heated blankets, to my special “face pillow” from home, to the indispensable iPod (which I forgot before my last treatment and sent Jeff home to get!)

Jeff and I are now focused on making sure that I rest and recover as much as possible so that we can thoroughly enjoy our wonderful vacation in early-May. (Made possible by all of the Grandparents and our wonderful nanny Thelma on rotating babysitting duty. THANK YOU!) Although resting isn't my strong suit, I have promised Jeff to give it my all. :-)

Thanks again for all of your calls, e-mails, and positive energy. We feel it all the time and could not have gotten through this without your wonderful support!



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