Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Light at the End of the Tunnel . . . .

Hi, friends.

It's been awhile since my last post, but I've been waiting for a few things to transpire before I updated the blog, so here goes.

I have now completed 6 out of 8 chemo treatments. Hooray! I can’t believe that I’m almost done. You know what they say . . . time flies when you’re having fun! NOT. :-)

As promised, the new chemo drug that I’m on (Taxol) is much easier than the first one. After the first treatment with this drug, I was extremely tired for the entire 2 weeks thereafter. However, I think that this was partially due to the “overlap” of the old and new drug in my system, because I feel much better this round. I am still not ready to run a marathon, or even take a brisk walk, but I don’t feel nauseous, my appetite is better, and I’m less tired than before. I am extremely grateful for this.

The other major update is that for various medical and psychological reasons, I have decided to have a double mastectomy and reconstruction. This will take 3 surgeries to complete. (If you don’t want details about my breast anatomy, don’t read on. As you know, I’ve been extremely open about all of this, and I don’t intend to stop now.)

During the first (and biggest) surgery, my breast cancer surgeon will remove my breasts and nipples and my plastic surgeon will insert tissue expanders. I will probably spend the night in the hospital, and will not be able to lift the kids for 2-3 weeks. Over the next few months, the doctor will inject saline into the expanders to stretch the skin and make room for implants.

During the 2nd surgery (a few months after the first), they will remove the tissue expanders and insert saline or silicon implants. (It's my choice; I will need to do the research and make a decision. Silicon is now available only for cancer patients, but they have supposedly been drastically improved since the original version that leaked.) This surgery should be easy with a quick recovery.

During the 3rd surgery (a few months after the second), they will make fake nipples out of scar tissue and tattoo them. This is done with a local anesthetic and is even quicker and easier than the second procedure.

Because I am removing the breast(s), I will not need to have radiation (there will be nothing left to radiate). Avoiding radiation is just fine with me.

So that’s it! Jeff and I are counting down the days until my last chemo treatment, but are looking forward even more to our post-chemo vacation to Key West and South Beach in early May. Watch out J. Lo and Paris! I’m going to see if I can stay up past 9:00 and make news on the club scene!

I have nothing else major to report, other than the fact that Zoe started preschool and is talking up a storm, and Adam is pulling to a stand and threatening to crawl or walk at any moment. (I hate it when those cute babies become mobile.) Jeff is working very hard and continues to be the best cheerleader, Dad and nurse a woman could ask for.

Love to you all,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go, Shannon!!! :-)

The light at the end of the tunnel must be those two new headlights you are planning to have installed!

Seriously, very pleased with the update and sounds like a marvelous plan for the entire Fallick Family; peace of mind, as well as perky boobies with the size of Jeff's choice!

With kids, the fun never stops! If you think that walking and talking are an issue, wait until they ask for the keys to the Lexus!!!

As always, sending support your direction! Let us know if there is anything we can do!

Wayne & Jen

10:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shannon (and Jeff)

I just saw your link off of Kyle's "4 Boys and a Lady" blog, where I am a frequent visitor.

Kathy and I are so sorry to hear of your cancer, and we want you to know that we are both big supporters of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Kathy had a teacher friend that got us involved in the program, and we are both race-walking in the Eastern Washington "Race for the Cure" 5k in two weeks. Kathy and other teachers at her school created a "Team Lisa" and set $30,000 as a fund goal. They have raised $24,362 so far, with two weeks to go.

People your age, with kids and all of your life ahead of you, should just not have to deal with this sort of thing! It should be everyone's hope that this cancer and all other forms of cancer be eradicated as science progresses and the years go by.

We send you are very best wishes for a speedy recovery and continued good luck in your fight.

8:58 PM  

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