Thursday, January 26, 2006

Chemo Round Two Done!!

Dear Friends and Family,

Shannon underwent her second of her eight treatments on Tuesday, 1/24 - she is 25% done with chemo!

The last two weeks were definitely not fun, but as you all know, Shannon is a trooper and held it together very well. There was no extreme nausea, but definitely a lot of fatigue, dizziness and other odd symptoms, such as tingling in her extremities. However, by the end of last week, she actually began feeling somewhat normal again.

Before the second treatment on Tuesday, Shannon's docs gave her some good news in that all of her importants stats, such as white blood cells, red blood cells, hemoglobin, platelets, etc. (not bad for an insurance broker from UCSB, eh?) were all in perfectly normal range and that no tweaks were needed to her treatment schedule - this was good news!

Unfortunately, as we were preparing for, the effects are cumulative and this second round has already proven to be a lot more intense. Her mom is in town and helping her rest as comfortably as possible (thanks again for the new Plasma in the bedroom Mom and Dad!) and we're hoping that the effects will begin subsiding over the next 48 hours.

Thanks for the continued support - if you feel like calling Shannon, please do so on her cell phone. If it's on, she'd love to hear from you. If it's off, she's sleeping or catching up on Lost, 24 or the Daily Show with John Stewart!


Blogger Kro said...

When I think of "blogging" I think of Jeff.

12:50 PM  

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